The Best Ride: The Cabot Trail

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There are some great drives on Cape Breton Island, though the most touted is certainly the Cabot Trail, and for good reason. It’s a stunning loop of the northern tip of the Island – circling the Highlands and dipping from bay to harbour to shore. Visit Cape Breton has created an intriguing video to give you a glimpse on this ride:

Cabot Trail historicalWhile the ride wasn’t so smooth in the beginning, today most people travel the trail by vehicle. It’s the only way I’ve done it, but I must admit that a slower pace enhances the experience. Take the time to get out and walk around the viewpoints, the short hikes and the beaches along the way. Not only does it break up the trek, the smells and sounds add to the impressive sights to make the Trail come to life.

The Margaree Walking Tours highlights the Trail as the walking route runs along it for the majority of the tour. Don’t worry, this is one of the slower stretches through bustling ‘downtown’ Margaree Forks and a 50 kph zone. We’ll dive into some of its history and slow down the pace of your unforgettable trip around the Trail.